Can Green Smoothies Cause Headaches
Can Green Smoothies Cause Headaches. If you’re wondering if green smoothies can cause headaches, you’ve come to the right place. The answer depends on the specific ingredient you’re concerned with. Read on to learn about oxalate, thallium, and nitrate. You can avoid these ingredients altogether or use them in small amounts.
oxalic acid
If you’re wondering if green smoothies can give you a headache, you’re not alone. Many green smoothies contain harmful oxalic acid. Plants use oxalates to protect themselves from predators, such as animals, insects, and fungi. Oxalates also bind to calcium in the blood, which can result in muscle aches.
Oxalic acid is found in several green vegetables, including spinach, Swiss chard, collards, and beet greens. It can also be found in baby mixes. In small amounts, it can cause a burning sensation in the mouth, throat, or eyes. Larger amounts can cause diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain. These symptoms are most common in people who consume large amounts of raw vegetables. Those who are susceptible should avoid eating spinach or kale raw.
Drinking excessive amounts of green smoothies can increase oxalic acid levels in the body. This can lead to a number of problems, including gout and kidney stones. Oxalic acid is present in over 200 plant species, although some are more potent than others. In recent decades, oxalic acid has increased in our diet, partly because of a “de-emphasis” movement.